Ipswich Garden Suburb - Background

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Ipswich Garden Suburb, formerly known as the Northern Fringe, is an area allocated under the Local Plan for a sustainable urban extension to Ipswich. The area consists of 195 hectares of land to the northern fringe of Ipswich with a capacity of 3,500 dwellings together with the associated infrastructure to create a sustainable and integrated community

Adopted Ipswich Core Strategy and Policies DPD Review (2022)

Policy CS10 of the Adopted Ipswich Core Strategy and Policies DPD Review 2017 allocated the Ipswich Garden Suburb for the delivery of a significant number of homes through a sustainable urban extension on greenfield land at the Ipswich Garden Suburb which will occur during the plan period. This policy has been continued as part of the new adopted Ipswich Core Strategy and Policies DPD Review (2022). 

Policy CS10 sets out the range of other land uses which will be delivered in Ipswich Garden Suburb to support the 3,500 new dwellings, this includes public open space, a country park, district centre, local centres, secondary school, three primary schools and primary road infrastructure including bridges over the railway line.

A full list of the strategic and neighbourhood infrastructure requirements of Ipswich Garden Suburb is detailed within Table 8b of the Adopted Core Strategy and Policies DPD Review (2022).

Ipswich Garden Suburb- Supplementary Planning Document

The Council adopted the Ipswich Garden Suburb Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on the 22nd March 2017. The Ipswich Garden Suburb SPD sets out a vision for the Ipswich Garden Suburb and strategies needed to ensure the comprehensive delivery of the development.

Click here for further information and to view the adopted Ipswich Garden Suburb SPD

During the course of drafting the SPD, various stages and methods of consultation were undertaken:

A number of working groups were setup and Evidence Based reports were produced as part of the preparation of the Ipswich Garden Suburb SPD. Please click on the below link for further information

Ipswich Garden Suburb SPD - Background Information

Ipswich Garden Suburb Infrastructure Delivery Plan

An Ipswich Garden Suburb Infrastructure Delivery Plan has been produced and was approved by the Council on 22nd February 2017. The work involved three stages and these documents can be viewed here:-

Stage 1 - Cost Review Report

Stage 2 - Viability Assessment

Stage 3  - IGS Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Development Management
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432913