Recycle your electrical waste

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In the UK an average householder owns 25 electrical or electronic appliances and, at present, only 10% of the electrical waste is currently recycled.

Find out how you can recycle your household electrical items in Ipswich.

Small electricals

Electrical items should not be placed in your bins at home (black or blue).

You can recycle small electrical items at Suffolk Recycling Centres in the small electricals items container.

You can also take them to a local electrical recycling bank.

What can and cannot be taken to the recycling bank

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✓ Hair dryer/straighteners✗ Batteries
✓ Kettles✗ Cookers
✓ Toasters✗ Fridges/freezers
✓ Irons✗ Washing machines
✓ Food mixers✗ Tumble driers
✓ Small lamps✗ Microwave cookers
✓ Key boards✗ Vacuum cleaners
✓ Shavers✗ Lights bulbs
✓ DVD players✗ Computer monitors
✓ Clocks/clock radios✗ TVs
✓ Radios✗ Rubbish
✓ Small fans✗ Anything that will not fit into the chute
✓ Battery operated/electrical
✓ Toys
✓ Power tools
✓ Remote Controls
✓ Phones

Large electricals

You can recycle large electrical items at Suffolk Recycling Centres in the large domestic appliance section.

Alternatively, there are several organisations that provide collection services within Ipswich for large electrical items.


EACH accept donations of good quality furniture or electrical items and can collect them free of charge.

Find out more about EACH's collection service.

Ipswich Furniture Project (IFP)

IFP accept donations of good quality re-usable furniture and household electrical items and will collect them free of charge.

They also offer a chargeable collection service for non-working electrical items bigger than a microwave (e.g. TVs, Fridges, Freezers).

Find out more about IFP's services.

Contact Details

Waste and Recycling,
Gipping House,
7 Whittle Road,
Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate,

Telephone icon

01473 432000