Correspondence and updates relating to the examination of the Ipswich Local Plan by the Secretary of State.

What to do if your bin has gone missing or is damaged.

On 6 March 2024, Ipswich Borough Council’s Planning & Development Committee endorsed a guide aimed at helping developers to reduce the emissions and carbon footprint of developments. It has been created to challenge and support developers in working towards achieving net zero development. It will be particularly helpful for pre-application discussions. The guide provides advice, sources of information and best practice.

The Low Emissions SPD (adopted November 2021) aims to improve air quality across Ipswich through new development. This will be achieved, where possible, through preventing new emission sources, encouraging emission reductions, and encouraging active travel choices. The adoption of the SPD means changes for how applications will be assessed and introduces additional local validation requirements.

The Low Emissions Supplementary Planning Document supports the delivery of two aspects of Local Plan policy. The first concerns the impact of development on air quality, and vice versa where poor air quality could impact on the occupiers of development. The second concerns car parking guidance for development within the IP-One area of central Ipswich and how parking provision could influence travel choices and consequently affect the contribution vehicle emissions make to air pollution.
Information on how to surrender, transfer or amend a Premises Licence.
Provides information on how to apply for scrap metal dealers site and mobile collectors licence.
