Ask for Angela

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What is the Ask for Angela scheme about?

Ask For Angela is the name of a campaign started in 2016 that is used by bars, shops and other venues to keep people safe from vulnerable situations by using a codeword to identify when they are in danger or are in an uncomfortable situation. 

When someone asks for Angela - a fictitious member of staff, this will give venues the prompt to help the person into a safer position.

The scheme started in Lincolnshire by Inspector Hayley Crawford. Ask For Angela was named in remembrance of Angela Crompton, a woman who was abused and killed by her husband in 2012 when an argument about redecorating a house got out of control. Since the launch in 2016 it has been adapted around the UK to help promote safety and wellbeing for anyone who finds themselves vulnerable.

Locations around the country including Ipswich have licensed venues, shops and public buildings that offer support to people in vulnerable situations who Ask For Angela.

Ask for Angela poster

Businesses may display a variety of different posters styles. This poster is an example produced to help venues offer support.
Some venues include a way to Ask for Angela in their ordering systems too.

If you wish to learn more and implement the scheme please contact

Contact Details

Economic Development,
Ipswich Borough Council,
3E Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432920