Powers to tackle anti-social behaviour

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In 2014, the Government introduced powers under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) which gave simpler, more effective powers to tackle anti-social behaviour, providing better protection for victims and communities.

A brief summary is detailed below:

  • Case review 
    The case review offers the victims of ASB the opportunity to request that their case be reviewed.
  • Civil Injunction
    A Civil Injunction is designed to stop or prevent individuals engaging in anti-social behaviour quickly before the behaviour begins to escalate. It can offer fast and effective protection for victims and communities and set a clear standard of behaviour for perpetrators.
  • Criminal Behaviour Order
    A Criminal Behaviour Order can be issued by any criminal court against a person who has been convicted of an offence. It aims to tackle the most persistent anti-social individuals who are also engaged in criminal activity.
  • Dispersal Powers
    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers can instruct an individual who has committed, or is likely to commit, anti-social behaviour, crime or disorder to leave a particular area for up to 48 hours.
  • Community Protection Notice
    The purpose of the Community Protection Notice is to stop a business, organisation or person over the age of 16 committing anti-social behaviour which spoils the community's quality of life.
  • Public Spaces Protection Order
    The Public Spaces Protection Order is designed to stop individuals or groups committing anti-social behaviour in a public space.
  • Closure Notice
    A closure notice of up to 48 hours, can be issued by the council or the Police without going to court, where there is nuisance to the public or disorder near the premises.
  • Closure Order
    A Closure Order will allow the police or local council to quickly close premises which are being used, or are likely to be used, to commit nuisance or disorder. It is a fast and flexible power that can be used to protect victims and communities by quickly closing the premises.
  • Community Remedy
    The Community Remedy gives victims a say in the out-of-court punishment of perpetrators of low-level crime and anti-social behaviour.