Ipswich Garden Suburb - Henley Gate Neighbourhood

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Henley Gate - Delivery and Planning Information

Construction Work

Crest Nicholson have been constructing Phase 1 of Henley Gate since September 2021 and the development has started to be occupied by residents. Below are photos of the development taken in November 2023.

Site photos of Phase 1 of the Henley Gate Neighbourhood taken in November 2023

Barratt David Wilson Homes received approval for part of Phase 2 in April 2023. This comprises 147 dwellings and associated infrastructure. Work has commenced on site. Below are photos of the site taken in November 2023.

Site Photos of Phase 2 of the Henley Gate Neighbourhood taken November 2023 2023 2023

The two railway bridges associated with Ipswich Garden Suburb are under construction and are not yet available for public use. Below are photos taken in November 2023.

Photos of the two railway bridges associated with the Ipswich Garden Suburb taken November 2023

Works to create the Country Park including construction of the visitor centre are ongoing. Below is a link to a video showing photos of the Country Park taken in November 2023.

Video of site photos of the Country Park taken November 2023

For further details and to subscribe to the mailing list for news and updates from the developer, please visit the Crest Nicholson website. This website also provides contact details for Crest Nicholson's Community Liaison Team.      

Community Liaison Group

As part of the approved Community Development Strategy for IP/16/00608/OUT, Crest Nicholson have established a Community Liaison Group comprising members from local stakeholder groups and the community. The purpose of this group is to share updates throughout the construction and development of Henley Gate and provide a regular forum to discuss issues arising with Henley Gate. The Community Liaison Group is to evolve over time to include the new residents of Henley Gate and the management company, with the aim of eventually being taken over by residents as the development nears completion.

Click here to view the Minutes of the last Community Liaison Group meeting held in April 2024.

Outline Planning Permission - IP/16/00608/OUT

Outline Planning Permission was granted on 31st January 2020. This permission covers the land highlighted in the image below and forms the majority of the Henley Gate Neighbourhood:

                                                        henley gate neighbourhood map

This grants Outline Permission for 1100 dwellings alongside, a new primary school, local centre comprising a mix of retail units and a new 30ha country park with a visitor centre. This development will also include 25 self build plots, a vehicular railway bridge and a pedestrian bridge. This application was determined by Planning and Development Committee in April 2018 and a Section 106 Legal Agreement was completed on 30th January 2020. A full summary of the proposed development and all the information submitted is available to view with the application on the below link. This includes the Committee Report, Officer Update Report, and Decision Notice.

View application IP/16/00608/OUT

Reserved Matters Applications

The following Reserved Matters Applications, pursuant to the Outline Permission detailed above are currently under consideration: 

  • A Reserved Matters Application relating to the scale, appearance, landscaping and layout for Phase 3a comprising 100 dwellings, a local centre, parking, landscaping, earthworks and other associated works. To view the Reserved Matters Application and important dates please click on the following link: IP/23/00406/REM. This application was considered by Planning and Development Committee on 24th April 2024 hwere it was resolved to approve the application. Please click on the following link to view the Committee Agenda and Committee Report. The application is Item 3 on the Agenda.
  • A Reserved Matters Application relating to the scale, appearance, landscaping and layout for Phase 3b was validated on the 26th September 2023. This application comprises 114 dwellings, roads, parking, landscaping, earthworks and other associated works. To view the Reserved Matters Application and important dates please click on the following link: IP/23/00740/REM.
  • A Reserved Matters Application relating to the scale, appearance, landscaping and layout for Phase 2b was received in March 2024. This application comprises 93 dwellings, roads, parking, open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated works. To view the Reserved Matters Application and important dates please click on the following link IP/24/00207/REM. Revised drawings and documents were received on 24th May 2024. 

The following Reserved Matters Applications, pursuant to the Outline Permission detailed above, have been approved in relation to Residential Phases 1 and 2 (part) and Country Park Phases 1-7. These are listed below:

Residential Phases

  • Phase 1 Core Infrastructure - Submission of the Reserved Matters for Phase 1 Core Infrastructure comprising primary streets, open space, landscaping, drainage, substations, pumping stations and associated works. The application was approved on the 29th September 2021.  To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link: IP/20/00245/REM.  Please click on the following link to view the Committee Paper (including the Minutes). Details are currently under consideration in regards to the discharge of conditions attached to the Reserved Matters Approval.
  • Phase 1 Housing - Submission of the Reserved Matters for Phase 1 comprising 130 dwellings, parking, landscaping, earthworks and associated works, was approved on the 15th September 2021. To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link: IP/20/00250/REM. Please click on the following link to view the Committee Paper and the Minutes. Details are currently under consideration in regards to the discharge of conditions attached to the Reserved Matters Approval.
  • Phase 1b Core Infrastructure - Submission of the Reserved Matters for Phase 1b Core Infrastructure comprising primary streets, open space, landscaping, drainage, substations, pumping stations and associated works. The application was approved on the 29th September 2021.  To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link - IP/20/00306/REM. Click on the following link to view the Committee Paper (including the Minutes). Henley Gate Phase 1 street elevation to Henley RoadHenley Gate Phase 1 street elevation for east - west primary road
  • Phase 2 (part) - Submission of Reserved Matters for Phase 2 comprising 147 dwellings, roads, parking, open space, landscaping, drainage, pumping station, and other associated works was approved on the 14th April 2023. The Application also discharged Condition 19 (Foul and Surface Water Drainage), Condition 20 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), and Condition 26 (Arboricultural Method Statement) of IP/16/00608/OUT in so far as these relate to this parcel within Phase 2. To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link: IP/23/00038/REM. Please click on the following link to view the Committee Paper (including the Minutes).

Image showing the approved street scene of Phase 2 along the new primary road

Image showing the approved street scene of Phase 2 along the western boundary

Image showing the approved street scene of Phase 2 along the northern boundary

  • Phase 1b, 2, and 3b Core Infrastructure: Submission of Reserved Matters for part of Phase 1b (revised details to IP/20/00306/REM), Phase 2 and Phase 3 Core Infrastructure comprising primary streets, open space, landscaping, drainage, substations, pumping stations and associated infrastructure works. The application was approved on 29th April 2024. To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link: IP/22/00904/REM

Country Park

  • Phase 1 Country Park - Submission of the Reserved Matters for Phase 1 of the Country Park (approximately 16ha) was approved on the 15th September 2021. To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link- IP/20/00417/REM. Please click on the following link to view the Committee Paper including the Minutes. Details are currently under consideration in regards to the discharge of conditions attached to the Reserved Matters Approval.
  • Phases 2-6 Country Park - Submission of the Reserved Matters for Phases 2-6 of the Country Park (approximately 13ha) was approved on the 21st January 2022. To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link- IP/21/01109/REM. Please click on the following link to view details of the Committee Papers including the Minutes
  • Phase 7 Country Park - Submission of the Reserved Matters for Phase 7 of the Country Park comprising the Visitor Centre and associated facilities was approved on 7th October 2022.  To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link- IP/22/00542/REM. Please click on the following link to view the Committee Papers including the Minutes.

IGS- Country Park Phase 1- General Arrangement   IGS- Country Park Phase 2-6- General Arrangement

The approved floor plans for the IGS Country Park Visitor CentreIGS Country Park Visitor Centre Landscape Masterplan

Railway Bridges

The application for the construction of one vehicular bridge and one pedestrian and cycle bridge over the existing railway line was approved on the 8th of August 2022. To view the application details and decision notice please click on the following link IP/22/00459/FUL. Please click on the following link to view the Committee Papers and Minutes.  An application to vary condition 1 of IP/22/00459/FUL was approved on 15th February 2023. This allowed for an increase in height to the pedestrian and cycle bridge. Please click on the following link to view the application IP/22/00985/VC . The two bridges form part of the Henley Gate Neighbourhood and the Fonnereau Neighbourhood of Ipswich Garden Suburb and relate to the approved outline planning permissions IP/14/00638/OUTFL and IP/16/00608/OUT. 

                                                                                                                                                     3D visualizations of the vehicular bridge over the railway line associated with IGS 3D visualizations of the pedestrian and cycle bridge over the railway line associated with IGS

The two bridges are under construction and are not yet available for public use. A temporary diversion of Public Footpath 18 is in place as approved under application IP/21/01050/CON which discharged condition 16 (Temporary Rail Crossing Diversion Strategy) of IP/16/00608/OUT.

Discharge of Conditions

The following conditions attached to the Outline Planning Permission IP/16/00608/OUT have been approved:

  • Condition 9 - Phasing Strategy - details approved on the 24th May 2024 under application IP/23/00904/CON. This condition was previously approved under application IP/20/00200/CON. The revised Phasing Strategy approved under IP/23/00904/CON alters the path in Country Park Phase 6.
  • Condition 10 - Overarching Design Code - details approved on the 15th June 2021 under application IP/20/00200/CON.
  • Condition 11 - Phase Design Codes- Country Park Phase 1 Design code approved on 15th June 2021 under application IP/20/00418/CON.
  • Condition 11 - Phase Design Codes- Phase 1 Design Code approved on 29th June 2021 under application IP/20/00312/CON.
  • Condition 11 - Phase Design Codes- Country Park Phase 2-6 Design Code approved on 4th January 2022 under application IP/21/01082/CON.
  • Condition 11 - Phase Design Codes – Phase 2 Design Code approved on 27th February 2023 under application IP/22/00509/CON.
  • Condition 11- Phase Design Codes- Phase 3 Design Code approved 27th March 2024 under application IP/23/00222/CON.
  • Condition 11- Country Park Phase 2-6 Design Code approved on 6th June 2024 under application  IP/22/00805/CON.
  • Condition 12 - Site Wide Foul and Surface Water Drainage Strategy - details approved on the 4th April 2022 under application IP/21/01268/CON. This condition was previously approved under applications IP/20/00096/CON and IP/20/00782/CON. IP/21/01268/CON alters the previously approved foul water drainage to include an additional pumping station.
  • Condition 13 - Site Wide Energy Strategy- details approved on 21st May 2021 under application IP/20/00199/CON.
  • Condition 14 - Site Wide Ecology Strategy -  details approved on the 20th November 2020 under application IP/20/00140/CON.
  • Condition 15 - Site Wide Archaeology Strategy- details approved on 8th January 2021 under application IP/20/00200/CON.
  • Condition 16 - Temporary Rail Crossing Diversion Strategy - details approved on 10th November 2021 under application IP/21/01050/CON.
  • Condition 19 - Foul and Surface Water Drainage- Asset Register for Phase 1, part discharged on 25th May 2023 under application IP/22/00870/CON.
  • Condition 20 - Initial Construction and Environmental Management Plan- details approved on 13th September 2021 under application IP/21/00323/CON.
  • Condition 20 - Initial Construction Environmental Management Plan- southern construction access- details part approved on the 17th May 2023 under application IP/21/01128/CON.
  • Condition 20 - Full Construction Environmental Management Plan – details part approved on the 17th May 2023 under application IP/21/01124/CON.
  • Condition 21 - Phase 1 Archaeological Works- details approved on 25th February 2021 under application IP/20/00201/CON and 25th February 2022 under application IP/21/01144/CON.
  • Condition 22 - Programme of Archaeological Work and Written Scheme of Investigation - details part approved on 25th February 2022 under application IP/21/01144/CON.
  • Condition 22 - Programme of Archaeological Work and Written Scheme of Investigation - details part approved on 20th October 2022 under application IP/22/00667/CON. 
  • Condition 23 - Contamination - details approved on the 25th February 2021 under application IP/20/00201/CON.
  • Condition 24 - Southern Construction Access - details approved on the 27th August 2021 under application IP/20/00201/CON.
  • Condition 25 - Arboricultural Method Statement (Northern and Southern Construction Access)- details approved 13th May 2021 under application IP/20/00201/CON.
  • Condition 26 - Arboricultural Method Statement- Country Park Phase 1- details approved on 22nd December 2021 under application IP/21/01022/CON.
  • Condition 26 - Arboricultural Method Statement - Phase 1 Housing and Infrastructure- details approved on the 18th March 2022 under application IP/21/00810/CON.
  • Condition 26 - Arboricultural Method Statement - Phase 1 and 1b Core Infrastructure- details approved in part on the 22nd August 2022 under application IP/22/00131/CON.
  • Condition 26 -Arboricultural Method Statement – Phases 2-6 details approved in part on the 15th June 2023 under application IP/22/00664/CON.
  • Condition 27 - Pedestrian, Cycle and Maintenance Access- details approved 29th October 2021 under application IP/20/00201/CON.
  • Condition 28 - Community Development Strategy- details approved 13th May 2021 under application IP/20/00943/CON.
  • Condition 28 - Community Development Strategy- Full details of pre-occupancy phase- details approved 5th August 2021 under application IP/21/00665/CON.
  • Condition 29 - Northern Access- details approved 13th May 2021 under application IP/20/00201/CON.
  • Condition 31 - Southern Access - details approved on the 27th August 2021 under application IP/20/00201/CON.
  • Condition 36 - Archaeological Investigation Submission- details part approved on 25th February 2022 under application IP/21/01144/CON.
  • Condition 37- Contamination Verification Submission (plots 87 and 88 of Phase 1)- details part approved on 22nd January 2024 under application IP/23/00877/CON.

Other applications to discharge the pre-commencement planning conditions are currently under consideration. These include:

  • Condition 27 - Pedestrian, Cycle and Maintenance Access from Lower Road (Country Park Phase 1)
  • Condition 28 - Community Development Strategy – Wayfinding strategy 

Other parts of the Henley Gate Neighbourhood- Former Hockey Pitch, Land Opposite 289-299 Henley Road

An outline application on the Former Hockey Pitch on Henley Road was approved on the 1st May 2024 and is subject to a S106 Agreement dated 25th April 2024. This permission is for up to 28 dwellings with all matters except access reserved. The application site is located to the east of Henley Road and north of the land covered by outline planning permission IP/16/00608/OUT detailed above and being developed by Crest Nicholson and Barratt David Wilson Homes. The application site is part of the Henley Gate Neighbourhood of the Ipswich Garden Suburb Allocation under Policy CS10 of the adopted Local Plan and is included in the adopted Ipswich Garden Suburb Supplementary Planning Document. To view the application and decision notice please click on the following link: IP/20/01093/OUT. This application was considered by Planning and Development Committee on 9th February 2022. Please click on the following link to view the Committee Meeting Agenda and Papers and minutes.

This page will be updated with new information to the Henley Gate Neighbourhood. Please click on the following link to view ‘current news’ on Ipswich Garden Suburb.

Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Development Management
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432913