Rate Relief

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Charities and registered Community Amateur Sports Clubs are entitled to relief from rates on any non-domestic property which is wholly or mainly used for charitable, or club, purposes.

Relief is given at 80% of the full rate bill or the transitional bill where the transitional arrangements apply. Billing authorities have the discretion to reduce the bill further.

Authorities can also give relief to certain bodies not established or conducted for profit. This is a discretionary relief. The purpose of the organisation applying for the relief must be philanthropic, religious or concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature or the fine arts. For more information, please contact the Business Rates Section.

To apply for relief, download, print and complete the form below:

Application for Mandatory and Discretionary Relief - Charities and Not For Profit Organisations

Please note there is no charge for discussing your potential entitlement with the Council, therefore we encourage ratepayers to speak to the Council direct about the discount rather than employing a third party to do this, who may make a charge for this service.  

Contact Details

Business Rates,
Ipswich Borough Council,
1W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 433851