The Regeneration Fund – Plans for Ipswich Town Centre

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Towns Deal funding is part of the Government’s investment plan to level-up regions, providing an opportunity for economic growth across the country.

 Ipswich Borough Council on behalf of Ipswich Town Deal Vision Board has secured £8m to bring empty properties in the town centre back into active use through a Regeneration Fund project.

 Ipswich Town Hall

The £8m Regeneration Fund will contribute to the shared aim of creating a vibrant and attractive town centre with a mix of uses that reduce the current overreliance on retail – uses will include cultural, education, health, leisure & hospitality, retail and residential.

Through this fund and other actions taken by the Council and partners, Ipswich Town Centre will become a place that is well-used day and night, attractive to investors and businesses, and a place where visitors will choose to come and stay.

Regeneration fund projects will:

  • Activate vacant properties
  • Drive interest in Ipswich
  • Bring a new mix of uses to the town centre
  • Leverage private sector investment into Ipswich
  • Increase footfall and dwell time
  • Increase land-values

The Council will shortly be launching calls for proposals are under the following strands of the Regeneration Fund activity

  • Unlocking stalled developments
  • Innovative actions

On behalf of Ipswich Towns Fund Vision Board, the Council will be seeking expressions of interest for projects that bring back empty properties into use – keep checking back here and on our social media for the latest information.

Expression of interest guidance and forms will be available on this webpage when the call for proposals is live – this is likely to be in late January.

This map shows the eligible area for Regeneration Fund projects

For a conversation about prospective projects or for any clarification please contact


Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432000