Problems paying your rent

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If you can’t pay your rent or debt arrangement, please contact us immediately so that we can help you or signpost you to agencies that can assist. 

You can also visit our Cost of Living page or check your entitlement to benefits.

In Debt with your rent?

As a tenant you are responsible for keeping your rent payments up-to-date. Rent debts are a priority, because the consequences of not paying are so serious. Debt can cause stress and anxiety and it can be difficult to catch up again. You could be liable for Court costs and ultimately you could lose your home.

What do I do if I fall behind with my rent?

If you can’t pay your rent, you should contact us as soon as possible. If we know there is a problem, we can discuss the situation with you and signpost you where necessary to relevant agencies that can help you.

If you delay, it will often lead to the problem becoming worse with more serious consequences. You should not ignore any debt letters that we send to you.

If you are unable to clear the debt in full, we will work with you to work out an affordable agreement through completing an Income and Expenditure. Once you make an agreement with us to pay the debt off, it is important that you keep to this and do not miss any payments. If you are unable to make a payment for any reason you should contact us straight away using the contact details on this page.

Can I get help with my rent?

Yes. If you have a low income, you may be entitled to Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. You can find out if you qualify by using our Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction calculator. Please visit our Universal Credit page for further information and advice about Universal Credit.  

Check entitlement for any other benefits.

What should I do if I am waiting for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit to be paid?

If you have made a claim for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, it is important that you tell us so that we are aware of this prior to any action being considered. It is important that you respond to all requests for information as quickly as possible in order that your housing benefit or Universal Credit claim can be processed and payments made to your account.

I am receiving Housing Benefit/Universal Credit but my circumstances have changed, what should I do?

We need to know as soon as possible about any changes in your circumstances.

Housing Benefit: You can notify us of a change in circumstances online or by calling 01473 432000. If you are not sure whether to tell us something or not, please ask. It is important that we know of any changes immediately as any delay in telling us could seriously affect your payments and the amount of help you receive. 
Universal Credit: You can report changes in your circumstances using your Universal Credit online account or by calling the helpline on 0800 328 5644.

What other help is available?

You can get independent advice and help from various organisations. Please visit our Debt page for further information.

Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Housing Services,
4C Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432000