Article 4 Direction for Houses of Multiple Occupation

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Ipswich Borough Council adopted the Article 4 (1) Direction relating to areas of Ipswich on the 15 November 2023 and the Direction which came into force on Saturday 1 June 2024.

Ipswich Borough Council has confirmed an Article 4 Direction which affects parts of the Borough.

The confirmed Article 4 Direction, removes existing permitted development rights for material changes of use from dwelling houses (C3 use class) to small houses of multiple occupation (C4 use class), made under Article 4(1) of the General Permitted Development Order (2015 amendments), affecting the following wards: Alexandra; Bixley; Bridge; Castle Hill; Gainsborough; Gipping; Holywells; Priory Heath; Rushmere; St John’s; St Margaret’s; Westgate.  In some cases, very small portions of wards are affected, and these areas can be viewed on the map attached to the Direction (links below).

This confirmed Article 4 Direction results in the requirement for applicants to make a planning application for changes of use from dwelling houses to small houses of multiple occupation, in order for them to be formally assessed by the Local Planning Authority. The Article 4 Direction, although now confirmed by Full Council, is a non-immediate direction, and it will therefore come into force on the 1 June 2024. 

The confirmed Direction, supporting documentation and maps showing the extent of the confirmed area covered by the Article 4 Direction for small houses of multiple occupation was subject to an eight-week public notification period between 28 November 2023 to 23 January 2024.

Please note that the period for commenting on the Article 4 Direction has closed. The content on this page is for information purposes only.

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