Proposals reflect air quality improvements in Ipswich

Published30th September 2024

Ipswich Borough Council is inviting comments on proposals that mean it could revoke one of its Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) located in the town.


The AQMAs were initially declared as a result of high levels of the air pollutant nitrogen dioxide. In order to address the levels of pollution, the Council has an Air Quality Action Plan in place, containing a wide range of measures aimed at reducing levels of pollution.


There are currently four AQMAs in Ipswich and the Council is now able to revoke the boundary of one AQMA due to falling levels of pollution.


In summary, the consultation on the proposed change is:

  • AQMA Order No.1 – Encompassing the land in and around the junction of Norwich Road, Chevallier Street and Valley Road, this area extends along Chevallier Street to the junction with Providence Lane; the AQMA to be revoked.


Councillor John Cook, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Sport at Ipswich Borough Council, says: 

“We’re pleased that levels of air pollution across the town are steadily improving, and that sustained improvement over five years at this location means Government guidance is to revoke this AQMA.

“My belief is that post-COVID changes to commuting patterns and the move to electric vehicles - in which the Council has led the way - have helped reduce pollutants. We will continue to promote measures in our Air Quality Action Plan and strive to reduce pollution even further.”


The Council will continue to monitor for pollution at multiple sites across the borough. Results from this monitoring will be used to inform future action on air pollution.


Further details can be found at Current consultations | Ipswich Borough Council


The closing date for this consultation is Sunday 27 October 2024. To contribute, please email comments to: