Tenant Satisfaction Measures

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Results for 2023/24

Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Q4

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) were introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) on 1 April 2023. The image above shows our most recent Tenant Satisfaction scores for Quarter 4 in 2023/24. Overall tenant satisfaction is 79%, up 3% on our last scores for Quarter 2 and 3 and 6% on Quarter 1 scores, which shows steady continual improvement.

 Other highlights are:

  • 13% increase in tenants feeling that the homes were well maintained
  • 10% increase in tenants feeling that the homes we provide are safe
  • 9% increase in our contribution to neighbourhoods / communities
  • 5% increase in satisfaction for how we listen and act
  • 4% increase in our handling of ASB

Key Performance Indicators generated from management information.

The Regulator introduced TSMs to make it easier for people to compare landlords on a like-for-like basis.

The TSMs are intended to:

  • Enable tenants to scrutinise their landlord and hold them to account;
  • Give landlords insights on where they might look to improve their services; and
  • Allow the RSH to see whether landlords are meeting required regulatory standards. 

Randomly selected tenants will be asked 12 perception questions about the service you receive, all Housing Providers will ask their tenants the same questions.

Housing Providers are required to report back to the Regulator on these measures annually – this will take place each summer. These results will then be collated each autumn and published on the RSH website.

The annual results for this financial year will be published in autumn 2024, enabling you to compare our performance with other social landlords across the country.

Our past scores are shown in the graphics below:

Key Metrics Summary Q3 2023/24

     Graphic showing highlight scores for Q2 in 2023/24, overall 76% satisfaction                          Graphic showing highlight scores, overall 73% satisfaction

Why are the TSM’S important?

TSMs are part of wider sector changes

These measures are part of wider changes by the Government to increase proactive consumer regulation and ensure social housing across the country is of a decent standard, with customers having their voices heard.

They apply to all registered social housing providers in England and are part of new laws currently going through Parliament as part of the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill.

This Bill provides the legal basis for many of the measures set out in the Government’s Social Housing White Paper.

How do I complete the TSM survey?

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey are undertaken by Acuity and may be conducted by telephone, taking approximately 10-20 minutes of your time. When contacting you by telephone, Acuity will briefly introduce themselves and explain what the survey is about, giving you the option to participate. If you’re busy, they will offer to call you back at a time that’s convenient for you.

Please note: If you have call display on your phone, the call display will show a UK number with an Ipswich area code: (01473) 792003. There is no cost to you for accepting this call.

You can choose to remain anonymous in the feedback you provide, but we do encourage you to share your feedback, as this is your chance to tell us your views and help identify areas that need improving.

How often can I be contacted?

We try and survey as many residents and tenants as possible over the course of a calendar year so you won’t be contacted for every survey we complete! If you don’t want to participate in the survey, just let them know when they call that you would like to opt-out.

Find out more about Acuity

Acuity are fully accredited Market Research Society (MRS) and treat all the information you give them in line with the data protection.

Ipswich Borough Council will work with market research agencies who follow the guidance of the Market Research Society and make sure the requirements set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 (including GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) are followed. 

TSM Survey FAQs