New hedging planted in Chantry Park

Published24th March 2023

2,000 plants creating 400 metres of hedge has been planted in Chantry Park thanks to funding from the Tree Council’s Branching Out Fund. 

The new section of hedge - planted between existing trees and shrubs on the Hadleigh Road side of the park, near to the fishing lake - includes Hawthorn, Common Beech, Hornbeam, Field Maple, Wild Cherry, Hazel, Dog Rose, Elder, Crab Apple and Holly.

The plants are being protected using biodegradable cardboard guards as an environmentally friendly alternative to single use plastic whilst establishing themselves. And, the new plants will be regularly watered, using water from the lake nearby.

Planted by volunteers from the Ipswich Tree Warden Network and the Ipswich Borough Council Parks team, the newly planted hedge will help to improve biodiversity in the park.

An Ipswich Borough Council spokesperson, says: “The new hedging will bring lots of benefits to the wildlife in Chantry Park, helping to not only provide food and shelter, but also capturing pollution and reducing noise.

We would like to thank volunteers from the Ipswich Tree Warden Network for their hard work planting this new hedging. We hope that excellent work like this will encourage more people to join the Ipswich Tree Warden Network – you don’t need to have experience, just a love of trees and a few hours to spare.”

Andy Pink, who has been a Tree Warden for nearly a year, adds:

“To anyone considering becoming a tree warden, I would say do it. When I retired, I was looking for something I could enjoy doing. I love it because you’re out in nature and I’ve made some great friends since I joined. It’s fantastic to be able to make a difference to the local environment.”

The Ipswich Tree Warden Network is a group of volunteers passionate about supporting trees in Ipswich. This is a flexible volunteer led scheme, with no set hours. The tree warden co-ordinator facilitates projects for volunteers to be involved with. This could be anything relating to trees, from organising tree themed events to planting trees, engaging with schools or growing trees at home.

To find out more information and to apply, visit: Volunteering in our parks and countryside | Ipswich Borough Council