Running a business from home

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Ipswich Borough Council understands that some tenants may be self-employed and will wish to use their home as their workplace, or to run a small business.

It is important that you notify us if your home is your primary premises for work, as we will need to consider the impact this has on the property, your neighbours and the wider community. 

By completing the form below, the relevent Housing Officer can discuss this with you further and provide formal permission for you to operate a small business from your home address.

Please note, you do not need to notify the Council if you are simply “working from home” for an employer and utilising your home to complete computer or phone related tasks.

Notify the Council about running a business from home

See Government advice to ascertain required costs, insurance and registration of any small business.

Contact Details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Housing Services,
4C Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432000